WEEX Exchange marca 3 anos de crescimento sustentado e inovação e revela a moeda de plataforma altamente esperada WEEX WXT
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Com a aprovação da SEC dos EUA para o pedido de ETF Bitcoin à vista, o preço do Bitcoin disparou para um novo máximo histórico de US$ 72.000, trazendo as criptomoedas de volta à visão dos investidores tradicionais. A capitalização de mercado do Bitcoin já ultrapassou Tesla e Visa, classificando-se como a nona maior classe de ativos do mundo. O valor total de mercado das criptomoedas também ultrapassou US$ 2,3 trilhões, marcando sua presença significativa no mercado financeiro.
Este campo emergente está repleto de incertezas e possibilidades, onde cada transação pode potencialmente criar uma vasta riqueza. Estabelecer uma plataforma de negociação tornou-se um sonho comum entre muitos empreendedores. No entanto, na última década, inúmeras plataformas foram iniciadas, colapsadas ou encerradas. Desafios como a incerteza regulamentar, a volatilidade do mercado e a complexidade técnica são inevitáveis ao fundar uma plataforma de negociação.
Fundada há menos de três anos, WEEX A bolsa subiu rapidamente para o topo das plataformas globais de negociação de contratos. Para os recém-chegados, analisar o seu sucesso nas operações de mercado, na construção da marca e no planeamento estratégico é, sem dúvida, valioso. Além disso, sendo bem versada nos ciclos de desenvolvimento da indústria, a WEEX Exchange optou por lançar seu token de plataforma WEEX (WEEX WXT) durante o início do mercado altista após o halving do Bitcoin, capturando a atenção do mercado mais uma vez.
Avançando na Arena de Negociação de Contratos com Negociação de cópias
Em 27 de dezembro de 2021, o WEEX Exchange iniciou seu teste público oficial. Naquela época, o mercado criptográfico estava em baixa, com os volumes de negociação caindo significativamente. Sem dúvida, não era o momento ideal para entrar no mercado.
Diante de um mercado lento, a WEEX Exchange decidiu buscar avanços concentrando-se na negociação de contratos. Num mercado em baixa, os investidores muitas vezes reduzem as suas transações à vista, enquanto os mecanismos duplos e a maior alavancagem da negociação por contrato atraem mais utilizadores.
No entanto, em comparação com negociação à vista, negociação de contrato representa riscos maiores para os recém-chegados. Para resolver esse problema, o WEEX Exchange introduziu um recurso inovador de negociação de cópias com um clique, permitindo aos usuários replicar sem esforço as negociações de traders profissionais. Esta funcionalidade não só reduziu significativamente as barreiras à entrada na negociação de contratos, mas também melhorou a taxa de sucesso das negociações, sem exigir que os utilizadores gastassem muito tempo a monitorizar o mercado. Para obter mais informações sobre o produto de negociação perpétua da WEEX – WEEX Futures Pro, visite:
Olhando para trás, muitas plataformas introduziram recursos de comércio de cópias, mas o WEEX Exchange foi um dos primeiros a fazê-lo há três anos.
Um excelente design de recursos não é nada sem o envolvimento real do usuário. Atrair usuários durante um mercado em baixa tem sido um desafio comum para todas as plataformas.
Nas suas fases iniciais, a WEEX Exchange optou por contar com agentes para atrair clientes e combinou esta estratégia com o copy trading, resolvendo eficazmente os primeiros desafios de aquisição de utilizadores.
Os traders atraem seguidores exibindo os seus registos de negociação nas redes sociais e participando em eventos offline, orientando-os depois para negociar na WEEX. O recurso de negociação de cópias com um clique cria uma situação ganha-ganha para os traders, usuários e a plataforma: os traders lucram com comissões e participação nos lucros, os usuários aprendem e ganham seguindo os traders, e a plataforma atrai novos usuários. É importante ressaltar que os traders só recebem participação nos lucros depois de terem fechado totalmente as suas posições e os seus seguidores terem obtido lucro, evitando eficazmente potenciais más condutas e protegendo os interesses dos utilizadores comuns.
A profundidade da negociação também é uma consideração crucial para os usuários ao escolher uma plataforma. Para este fim, a WEEX otimiza continuamente a sua profundidade de negociação. A liquidez da plataforma atingiu níveis líderes do setor e de acordo com o “Avg. Índice de liquidez” no CMC, WEEX já ficou em quinto lugar globalmente com uma pontuação de liquidez de 726, atrás apenas de Binance, Kraken, Biconomy Exchange e Coinbase.
Confiante na sua profundidade de negociação, a WEEX Exchange foi a primeira na indústria a introduzir uma garantia de “compensação de derrapagem”. Se a diferença de preço nas negociações de contratos ETH e BTC exceder US$ 0,2 e US$ 2, respectivamente, os usuários poderão receber um subsídio de diferença de preço. De acordo com dados do WEEX Exchange de 2023, a compensação total por slippage foi de US$ 263.000, representando apenas 5,8% da remuneração total da plataforma, destacando ainda mais a vantagem do WEEX Exchange em profundidade de negociação.
Além disso, o WEEX Exchange obteve as licenças MSB dos EUA, MSB canadense e a licença da Autoridade de Serviços Financeiros de São Vicente e Granadinas (SVGFSA). A WEEX está atualmente solicitando licenças regulatórias na Austrália, Filipinas, Malta, Malásia e outros países, visando conformidade global e serviços localizados.
Pegada Global e Competição de Taxa Zero
Para os usuários, além de garantir que uma plataforma de negociação forneça um ambiente de negociação seguro, confiável e eficiente, a qualidade dos produtos e serviços também é muito considerada.
Atualmente, o aplicativo WEEX Exchange está disponível na App Store e no Google Play, abrangendo mais de 140 países e regiões, classificando-o entre os melhores do setor. Além disso, WEEX também foi listado em lojas de aplicativos globais, incluindo Samsung, Huawei, OPPO e Honor.
No final de 2023, a WEEX Exchange, que começou com negociação de contratos, começou a iterar seus serviços de negociação de contratos, lançando o “WEEX Futrues Pro”. WEEX Futrues Pro consolida centenas de pares de contratos em uma única conta, permitindo contas de margem compartilhadas entre todos os pares, facilitando uma gestão de capital mais eficiente para os usuários sem a necessidade de transferir fundos frequentemente entre diferentes pares, tornando assim a negociação mais eficiente e conveniente.
Além disso, com base em seu negócio OTC original, a WEEX Exchange fez parceria com a Alchemy Pay para integrar a solução de pagamento fiduciário da Alchemy Pay no ano passado, permitindo que os usuários da WEEX Exchange negociassem entre moedas fiduciárias e criptomoedas usando mais de 300 métodos de pagamento, incluindo Visa, MasterCard, Google Pay e Apple Pague. Este serviço está agora disponível em mais de 170 países e regiões em todo o mundo.
Equipe global e implantação de dados distribuídos: garantindo a estabilidade de ativos e transações da WEEXer
De acordo com divulgações oficiais, a equipe WEEX Exchange está distribuída pela Ásia, América do Norte e outras partes do mundo. Isto ajuda a plataforma a operar independentemente de qualquer mercado único ou ambiente político, garantindo operações estáveis e a segurança dos ativos dos utilizadores.
Além disso, todos os dados do WEEX Exchange são estritamente armazenados e implantados em vários locais em todo o mundo, usando serviços Amazon Cloud que atendem aos requisitos de segurança de nível militar e bancário, fornecendo os serviços comerciais mais seguros e privados para os usuários.
Isto não é apenas conversa; um exemplo recente é a interrupção do data center Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong em 18 de dezembro de 2022, que afetou muitas plataformas de negociação em vários graus, levando-as a anunciar manutenção temporária, suspensão de certas transações de moedas e suspensão de depósitos e retiradas, incluindo as principais plataformas . WEEX Exchange foi uma das poucas plataformas que não foi afetada, testando sua segurança e estabilidade.
Também é importante notar que, desde a sua criação, o WEEX Exchange não sofreu nenhum incidente de segurança, como ataques de hackers a ativos.
WEEX: uma das plataformas globais com taxas de transação mais baixasé
Recentemente, a WEEX Exchange anunciou o lançamento de um evento de negociação à vista com “taxa zero”, onde não são cobradas taxas de Maker (colocação de pedidos) nem de Taker (recebimento de pedidos); A negociação do WEEX Contract Pro cobra uma taxa de fabricante de 0,02% e uma taxa de tomador de 0,06%. Além disso, para alguns dos pares de moedas populares mais ativamente negociados, a WEEX introduz regularmente eventos Contract Pro que isentam taxas tanto para colocação quanto para recebimento de pedidos. A WEEX promove mais eventos para usuários globais, então conte aos seus amigos mais sobre a WEEX através de:
De acordo com dados do relatório Weex Exchange Review da Cryptowisser, as taxas da WEEX Exchange estão abaixo da média do setor, tornando-a uma das plataformas com as taxas de negociação mais baixas. Além disso, as taxas de retirada do WEEX Exchange estão entre as mais baixas do setor. Os dados da Cryptowisser mostram que as taxas de retirada do WEEX Exchange são mais baixas do que as de plataformas como MEXC, Bithumb e UPbit, e estão no mesmo nível de OKX, Bybit e Bitget.
Do ponto de vista do ambiente externo, a implementação de taxas ultrabaixas pela WEEX é ao mesmo tempo um movimento proativo para capturar os usuários CEX existentes e uma resposta necessária à concorrência de DEX. Atualmente, à medida que o Ethereum conclui a atualização de Cancún e o Ethereum, as soluções Bitcoin Layer 2 proliferam e blockchains de alto desempenho como Solana se juntam à concorrência, os custos do gás de transação em cadeia diminuíram significativamente, ultrapassando gradualmente os CEXs em termos de vantagens de custo de transação. Além disso, com a atração de potenciais airdrops de projetos DEX, alguns usuários estão começando a migrar de CEXs para DEXs. Neste contexto, a introdução da negociação com taxa zero por plataformas como a WEEX intensificará ainda mais o cenário competitivo na indústria CEX.
No entanto, independentemente da concorrência dentro das CEXs ou entre CEXs e DEXs, os utilizadores são, sem dúvida, os beneficiários finais, refletindo o progresso da tecnologia blockchain e os benefícios do desenvolvimento da indústria das criptomoedas.
Plataforma Coin WEEX WXT atrasada para o jogo?
Muitos usuários acham que o lançamento de sua própria moeda de plataforma pela WEEX Exchange, WEEX WXT, parece um pouco atrasado, especialmente considerando que outras plataformas de negociação de estatura semelhante já emitiram seus tokens. No entanto, esta decisão da WEEX Exchange baseia-se, na verdade, numa compreensão precisa do timing do mercado.
A WEEX Exchange passou por um período de baixa do setor em seu início, o que a tornou mais cautelosa em sua estratégia. Agora, à medida que a indústria entra em um ciclo ascendente, a escolha da WEEX Exchange de lançar a moeda da plataforma neste momento, sem dúvida, captura uma excelente oportunidade. Esta estratégia é apoiada por uma compreensão profunda da dinâmica do mercado e por uma perspectiva positiva sobre o desenvolvimento futuro.
O WEEX WXT está posicionado como a pedra angular do ecossistema WEEX Exchange, servindo como um mecanismo de incentivo dinâmico para recompensar os parceiros, contribuidores, pioneiros e membros ativos da comunidade.
O fornecimento total de WEEX WXT é de 10 bilhões de moedas, com um preço de oferta inicial de US$ 0,01 por moeda e um fornecimento inicial em circulação de 3,9 bilhões de moedas. O incentivo da equipe representa 20% do fornecimento total, bloqueado por um ano e depois liberado a 2% a cada seis meses durante cinco anos. Campanhas para novos usuários, KOLs de construção de marca e incentivos para retenção de tokens representam, cada um, 15%, com 3% lançados anualmente durante cinco anos. O fundo de proteção ao investidor e o fundo do ecossistema WEEX WXT detêm, cada um, 15% da oferta total; os 5% restantes são usados para investimentos privados, bloqueados por um ano e depois liberados linearmente mensalmente durante um ano. Você pode verificar mais informações em cointelégrafo.
Que tal o WEEX Exchange e seu token oficial WEEX WXT?
Com a emissão do WEEX WXT, o WEEX Exchange poderá introduzir novos serviços e recursos, como staking, empréstimos e seguros, enriquecendo ainda mais o ecossistema da plataforma, capacitando o WEEX WXT e atendendo às diversas necessidades dos usuários. Além disso, a detenção e negociação do WEEX WXT poderia permitir a participação na governança da plataforma, impulsionando o seu desenvolvimento.
É importante observar que à medida que a reputação e a base de usuários do WEEX Exchange continuam a crescer, algumas outras plataformas que imitam o WEEX Exchange surgiram no mercado. Os comerciantes e utilizadores devem verificar cuidadosamente a autenticidade da plataforma antes de negociar para garantir a segurança dos seus activos.
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Is Shiba Inu a good buy while trading below $0.01?
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technology and innovative new drugs in the weight loss market were major contributors to stock market gains for much of the past year.
While investors have reaped generous returns from owning mega-cap technology and some pharmaceutical stocks, it’s human nature to wonder what else is out there and where additional value can be found.
Investment alternatives how cryptocurrencies have gained massive popularity over the past decade or so — and one of the most curious cryptocurrencies, Shiba Inu (SHIB 2.08%), it may seem very tempting, as trades below a penny.
Let’s take a look at the Shiba Inu and find out if it’s a good buy right now.
What is Shiba Inu?
The first thing to know about cryptocurrency in general is that not all cryptocurrencies are created equal. Some of the most popular cryptocurrencies out there include Bitcoin, EthereumIt is Solana. While each of them still carries some degree of speculation, all of these currencies have achieved some form of real-world application.
For example, Bitcoin is now accepted as a means of payment in some online stores and retail establishments. In addition, many projects that revolve around non-fungible tokens (NFT) tend to rely on Ethereum, Solana, and other major cryptocurrencies.
Shiba Inuin turn, is in a totally different category.
That is, Shiba Inu is often affiliated with Dogecoin. Although Dogecoin has experienced some fleeting volatility in the past — largely thanks to some irreverent support from high-level personalitiesincluding Mark Cuban and Elon Musk — cryptocurrency is largely seen as a joke.
In investing, non-serious investments tend to fall under the category of a meme. Shiba Inu is no exception here. With little to no real-world utility, Shiba Inu is widely seen as a meme coin.
Should you buy Shiba Inu while it is selling for less than a penny?
Shiba Inu’s price dynamics closely follow the rules of supply and demand. At the moment, Shiba Inu has a total supply of 589 trillion tokens, and the coin is trading at just $0.000017.
With such an abundance of Shiba Inu coins available, the asset is anything but scarce. In other words, pretty much anyone can buy Shiba Inu if they want to. For this reason alone, it doesn’t have much appeal for investors looking to spot a profitable opportunity.
Given the lack of demand, it is not surprising to see that the Shiba Inu is trading for less than a penny. Unless a large number of institutional investors invested billions of dollars in purchasing Shiba Inu, I can’t imagine a world where the currency starts to gain traction in the market.
Since cryptocurrency is still considered a speculative investment, I consider it highly unlikely that large fund managers will buy Shiba Inu en masse.
Instead, I think Shiba Inu will continue to be the favorite among a small group of retail investors — specifically, inexperienced traders who follow the advice of online influencers or fake financial gurus.
If you are looking for exposure to cryptocurrency but can’t decide which coin to buy, there are many cryptocurrency stocks that could serve as a decent proxy. Companies like Coinbase, Robinhoodand even Microstrategy each offers investors some exposure to the cryptocurrency landscape, but with some degree of isolated risk.
So while Shiba Inu may seem cheap, there are many reasons why the coin’s value remains depressed. I think investors are better off moving on from Shiba Inu and considering more established cryptos or individual stocks operating in the crypto space.
Adam Spatacco has positions in Coinbase Global. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Bitcoin, Coinbase Global, Ethereum, and Solana. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.
AI meme Raboo and crypto newbie ZRO
Disclosure: This article does not constitute investment advice. The content and materials presented on this page are for educational purposes only.
Raboo and ZRO are outperforming Dogecoin with unique features and growing investor interest.
In the evolving cryptocurrency market, Raboo (RABT) and ZRO are emerging as standouts, gaining significant traction among investors. These new coins are not only on the rise but are also outperforming the established meme coin, Dogecoin (DOGE).
Raboo’s unique integration of AI into meme culture and ZRO’s fresh approach are attracting a growing community of enthusiasts. This article delves deeper into the unique features of Raboo and ZRO, exploring how they are shaping the future of the crypto landscape and why they may offer compelling investment opportunities. Read on to discover the potential of these rising stars.
DOGE: The veteran memecoin
DOGE has a market cap of over $19 billion as of July 2024 and in this circulation, there is a supply of 145 billion DOGE. The price of the coin jumped 6% in the last 7 daysechoing the trend — increased investor interest and market recovery.
Although Dogecoin was initially created as a joke, it has still held up quite well, probably due to the fact that it has had a huge community since its inception and periodic endorsements from important people like Elon Musk, thus keeping this cryptocurrency relevant and moving.
Dogecoin’s current rise could also be driven by events such as increased institutional adoption and favorable developments around the Dogecoin Foundation. These events are generating more interest, with a halving likely in 2025. Analysts project that Dogecoin will trade within the $0.15 and $0.25 range in the near future.
ZRO: A Rising Star in the Crypto Universe
ZRO is the native token of LayerZero, a robust and promising newcomer to the cryptocurrency market, which has been attracting attention recently for its intrinsic value and recent market performance. LayerZero is a cross-chain interoperability protocol that allows blockchains to communicate seamlessly with each other, literally being a “blockchain of blockchains.” Ultra Light Nodes (ULNs) power this new development, verifying transactions and messages in a way that brings security and efficiency to chains like Ethereum, BNB Chain, and Avalanche. ZRO is up over 80% in the last 30 days, reaching $4.63 with a market cap of over $509 million.
While Dogecoin has been showing improved performance in the crypto scene recently, ZRO’s growth is very fast. Its strategic partnerships, such as the latest cooperation with Flare Network, extend it to 75 blockchains, greatly increasing its market position.
Analysts are bullish on ZRO and are pricing in long-term growth in the forecasts. While Dogecoin enjoyed community support and some celebrity endorsements, the focus that ZRO has placed on its technology development and practical applications gives it a distinct advantage in this increasingly competitive cryptocurrency landscape.
Raboo: Changing Memecoins with AI
Raboo (RABT) has quickly emerged as a significant player in the memecoin market, leveraging advanced AI technology to stand out from its competitors. The token’s unique approach includes a “Post-to-Earn” platform where users are rewarded for creating and sharing content, fostering dynamic community engagement. Raboo’s presale has been particularly successful, with tokens currently priced at $0.0048, representing a significant 233% increase since the presale began.
Despite Dogecoin’s established presence and recent price stability, Raboo’s rapid rise is remarkable. Analysts predict that Raboo could outperform Dogecoin, with expectations of a 100x return upon launch. This optimism is driven by Raboo’s unique technological capabilities and the growing appeal of its SocialFi features, which set it apart from more traditional memecoins.
Raboo and ZRO are emerging as strong contenders in the cryptocurrency market, outperforming the established Dogecoin with their unique features and strong community engagement. Raboo, with its AI-powered meme creation and “Post-to-earn” platform, offers a unique investment opportunity, especially for those looking to diversify their portfolios in the dynamic memecoin sector. ZRO’s focus on cross-chain interoperability also positions it well for future growth.
These developments highlight the evolving cryptocurrency landscape, where technological creativity and community-driven models are becoming increasingly important for success. Investors should consider Raboo for its high potential returns and innovative features.
For more information, visit the Raboo Pre-Order Website or follow the project at Telegram or X.
Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. does not endorse any products mentioned on this page. Users should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.
The Rise of Cryptocurrency ETFs: How to Invest in Digital Currency Without Buying Coins
The introduction of spot cryptocurrency ETFs offers a new and easy way for investors to gain exposure to digital currencies.
For much of crypto’s existence, those interested in purchasing digital assets would have to do so through cryptocurrency exchanges. But now, that’s starting to change.
If you’ve been hesitant to dive into crypto due to what can sometimes be a daunting and technical task when navigating cryptocurrency exchanges, now might be the perfect time to explore the new spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) available to investors.
What are spot ETFs?
A spot ETF is a financial instrument that allows investors to gain exposure to the price movements of an underlying asset – in this case, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC -1.63%) and Ethereum (ETH -1.36%) — without directly owning the asset. These ETFs are traded on traditional stock exchanges, and their value is directly tied to the current (or spot) price of the cryptocurrency.
One of the main differences between owning a spot ETF and owning the actual cryptocurrency is the responsibility of custody. When you own cryptocurrency, you need to manage its storage and security, which involves using digital wallets and understanding private keys. With spot ETFs, the responsibility of custody falls on the fund manager, making it easier for investors to gain exposure to the asset without worrying about the complexities of secure storage.
In many ways, you can think of spot ETFs as gold ETFs. When people buy a gold ETF, they don’t actually receive gold coins or bars. Instead, they own shares that track the price movement of gold.
Another important distinction is trading hours. Cryptocurrencies can be traded 24/7, while spot ETFs are subject to the stock exchange’s trading hours. This means that you can only trade ETFs during market hours. These limited hours can lead to potentially missing out on significant price movements that occur outside of the market’s designated trading hours.
Options available today
Currently, the only options for investors looking for spot cryptocurrency ETFs are Bitcoin and Ethereum. These two cryptocurrencies stand out due to their significant value and established track records, positioning them as attractive options for integration into the stock market via ETFs. Bitcoin, often referred to as digital gold, was the first cryptocurrency (created in 2009) and the first to gain approval for a spot ETF. With nearly seven months of trading now under its belt, the approval of the 11th Spot Bitcoin ETFs was touted as one of the most successful ETF launches in history.
More recently, nine Ethereum spot ETFs have gained approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to begin trading on July 23. As the second most valuable cryptocurrency and the backbone of the decentralized finance (DeFi) economy, Ethereum was the next best candidate for a spot ETF launch.
While limited to two cryptocurrencies, as investors become more comfortable with digital currencies and ETFs continue to prove popular, we can expect to see more cryptocurrencies gaining ground as ETFs. The early stages of this expansion are already visible, with applications for Solana Spot ETFs starting to come in.
How to buy an ETF outright
Buying a spot ETF involves several steps and considerations, just like any other ETF investment. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do it:
- Start by researching the available Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs. Compare their fees, assets under management (AUM), and performance. ETFs with lower fees and higher AUM are generally more attractive, as they may offer better liquidity and lower costs.
- To buy ETFs, you need a brokerage account. If you don’t already have one, choose a brokerage that offers a wide range of ETFs, low fees, and a user-friendly platform.
- If you’re new to the brokerage, you’ll need to provide personal information and fund your account with money from your bank. Most brokerages offer multiple funding methods, including ACH transfers, wire transfers, and check deposits.
- Once your account is funded, use your broker’s search function to find the Bitcoin or Ethereum ETF you’ve decided to invest in. ETFs are usually identified by their ticker symbols, so knowing them can make your search easier.
- Decide how many shares of the ETF you want to buy. You can place a market order, which buys the ETF at the current market price, or a limit order, which sets a maximum price you are willing to pay. Review your order carefully before submitting it.
- Once you’ve purchased the ETF, monitor its performance and keep an eye on any news or developments related to cryptocurrencies and the ETF itself. Regularly reviewing your investment ensures that it aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance.
An evolving landscape
The introduction of Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs marks a significant milestone in the evolution of cryptocurrency investing. These financial instruments offer a simpler and more accessible way to gain exposure to digital currencies without dealing with the complexities of cryptocurrency exchanges and direct ownership.
By following the steps to purchase these ETFs through a brokerage account, investors can seamlessly integrate digital currencies into their investment strategies. As the cryptocurrency market continues to mature, the availability and acceptance of spot ETFs is likely to expand, providing even more opportunities for investors to participate in this dynamic asset class.
RJ Fulton has positions in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.
Trump raises over $4 million in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald J. Trump holds a campaign rally at Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on July 20, 2024.
Bill Pugliano | Getty Images News | Getty Images
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Former President Donald Trump is heading to Tennessee this weekend to deliver a keynote speech at a major bitcoin conference. It looks like he’ll be in front of a supportive crowd.
Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, has raised more than $4 million from a mix of digital tokens, a campaign aide told CNBC. Contributors have donated bitcoin, etherRipple’s XRP token, the stablecoin pegged to the US dollar USDC and several memecoins, according to a Federal Election Commission filing.
The more than 1,000-page report shows totals for the joint fundraising committee “Trump 47” from April 1 to June 30. The committee raised more than $118 million during that period, with payments going to the Trump campaign, the Republican National Committee and other parties, according to the filing.
At least 19 donors have contributed more than $2.15 million in bitcoin to the committee, the lawsuit shows. The contributors hail from 12 states, including some battleground states. Their professions include homemaker, U.S. military officer, missionary, painter, pizza sales representative and State Department security technician.
Crypto billionaire twins Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss led the charge, each contributing 15.57 bitcoins, or just over $1 million at the time of the donation. Since their contributions surpassed the $844,600 limit, the lawsuit indicates that the money was partially refunded. Mike Belshe, CEO of digital asset security firm BitGo, contributed $50,000 worth of bitcoin.
Tyler Winklevoss, CEO and co-founder of Gemini Trust Co., left, and Cameron Winklevoss, chairman and co-founder of Gemini Trust Co., speak during the Bitcoin 2021 conference in Miami, Florida, U.S., on Friday, June 4, 2021.
Eva Marie Uzcategui | Bloomberg | Getty Images
In recent months, Trump has positioned himself as the pro-crypto candidate for president, a reversal from his previous stance during his time in the White House. Trump launched his latest collection of non-fungible tokens on the Solana blockchain in April and has since been making increasingly optimistic crypto commentary. Along the way, he has gained the support of several influential tech and crypto investors, including venture capitalists Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz.
Trump will be in Nashville on Saturday to deliver the keynote address at The Bitcoin Conference, which is being held at the Music City Center. He will also host a campaign fundraiser in the city on the same day, where tickets cost up to $844,600 per person.
Front-row tickets include a seat at a roundtable with Trump and cost the maximum donation amount allowed for individuals. the Trump Committee 47. The next tier includes a photo with the former president for $60,000 per person or $100,000 per couple, according to the invitation.
Brian Hughes, an adviser to the Trump campaign, said that of the more than $4 million in cryptocurrency raised, most of it came in bitcoin.
“Crypto innovators and others in the tech sector are under attack from Kamala Harris and the Democrats,” Hughes said, referring to the de facto Democratic nominee. “While the Biden-Harris Administration stifles innovation with more regulation and higher taxes, President Trump stands ready to encourage American leadership in this and other emerging technologies.”
Trump, the first major presidential candidate to accept donations in digital tokensYou can receive contributions in a variety of cryptocurrencies, including Dogecoin, Shiba Inu coin, XRP, USDC, and Ether.
Kraken founder and former CEO Jesse Powell has donated nearly $845,000 worth of ether. Stuart Alderotylegal director of Curlinggave $300,000 in XRP token. Alderoty recently attended a Trump fundraiser organized by venture capitalist David Sacks in San Francisco.
Former Messari CEO Ryan Selkis, who resigned last week from the company he co-founded after posting about “literal war” against Trump opponents, donated $50,000 in USDC.
So far, it appears that the Trump campaign is converting these contributions immediately to USDC and then liquidating the donations. In some cases, however, the campaign has chosen to keep the USDC.
Trump has personally promised to defend the rights of those who choose to self-custody their currencies, meaning they are not dependent on a centralized entity like Coinbase and instead use cryptocurrency wallets, which are sometimes beyond the reach of the IRS.
Trump also vowed at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington in May to keep Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, and “her henchmen” away from bitcoin holders. Warren is a vocal critic of cryptocurrencies.
Meanwhile, after a meeting at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida with about a dozen bitcoin mining executives who pledged their support, Trump declared that all future bitcoins will be minted in the US if he returns to the White House.
Trump has named Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his running mate, a move seen by many as a victory for the cryptocurrency sector. Vance has advocated for looser regulation of cryptocurrencies and revealed in 2022 that he personally holds bitcoin.
The Biden White House has stepped up regulation of cryptocurrencies, with the SEC stepping up its crackdown on the sector in recent years.
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